In " UN told Israel 10 times that artillery attacks were near its observers"

Israel has a history of blowing up independent observers. I wonder what they have done that they didn't want the world to see?

In "Zombie Dance Party leads to WMD arrests."

Good to know- if America is ever attacked by Terrorist Zombies, Homeland Security has it under control! (In defense of the police, however, the article says they were already on "high alert" for Attack Clowns. Sadly, I'm being serious.)

In "Cry like a baby - do not go to jail."

It's the same in America. Time and again, juries impose harsh sentences because the perpetrator didn't "show remorse;" in other words, he didn't cry for them. Juries are tough- they demand a good floor show.

In "Think (About Paying Your Workers) Differently."

The irritating thing to me is Apple claiming they didn't know, and promising to investigate. That's nonsense. They knew how long it takes to assemble an iPod, and they knew how much they were paying for it. If they didn't know, it was because they didn'twant to know. Labor was cheap and dividends were high, and that's all anybody cared about. Forget about Jesus, the real American god is money.

In " Jesus Christ Superman:"

If I were Christian, I think I'd be offended by the blatant pandering and marketing of my Lord. The man who said "blessed are the meek" and "turn the other cheek" can hardly be pleased about being portrayed as a butt-kicking super hero.

In "Impeach Bush! "

I don't think it would change anything. The Republican party is run by a cabel of rich angry white men, and the "president" is just their marionette. Go ahead and give them a new puppet, if it makes you feel better, but what would change?

In "Au Revoir To Foie Gras?"

If the goal is to enlarge the liver, couldn't they just get the ducks really really drunk?

In "Anonymous, George: I been screwed!"

You could try alerting the Better Busines Bureau, and give PayPal's Buyer Complaint Process a try.

In "Hacker fears 'UFO cover-up.'"

I'm disgusted by how easy it was to break into government computers, even post-9/11. Apparently, even a moron could do it.

In "Shot For Having PTSD"

Yeah, ok, point taken. Wow. I have never seen words like these posted on the internet before. Chy, you are my hero.

In "About Fucking Time"

He's not gone, he's just stepped out of the spotlight and into the shadows. Nothing will change.

In "Some handy tips on how not to argue online."

I liked the article linked to at the bottom, Introduction to Antiprocess. I wish somebody had shown me this stuff when I was a n00b. It would have spared me lot of grief.

In "Sadistic Senator's Son"

He poked them with a mop, poked them with a cane, and poked them with a broom, and he may go to prison for it; but if he had beat them with a mop, beat them with a cane, and beat them with a broom, it would have been perfectly legal. But only if he stuck them on the bottom. Anyplace else, and it would have been illegal again. Strange world we live in.

In "Jill Carroll released by captors."

I don't think she's being completely honest when she says she was treated well and never threatened. At the time she was taken her translator was murdered in front of her, and in the video her kidnappers released she was crying. I'm glad she's free, and she's remarkably composed, but I don't think we're getting the whole story yet. As for the freepers and lgfs, I think they're just manifesting their own mental illness. They have a great deal of misplaced anger, and they vent it politically. I think they enjoy the adrenaline rush of righteous indignation.

In "Spray-on Dress."

I think the product will have a lot of uses more practical than spray-on shirts. You could use it as a spray-on patch for torn clothes, or imbed the fibers with antiseptic to make spray-on bandages. If they price is low enough, you could make spray-on drop cloths. Strippers could start completely naked, then slowly spray on their clothing. It's a neat technology.

In "Lieberman Flips Out On Talk Radio"

We can't get through a news conference, debate, or political discussion without somebody at some point angrily demanding, "Excuse me! May I finish, please!" It has nothing to do with being interrupted; it's a calculated rhetorical trick to make their opponent look like a rude, uncultured boor. The president used it against Helen Thomas two days ago, Leiberman used it against McEnroe. It's getting a little old.

In "Democrats"

The Democrats suck, the Republicans suck, and the Greens can't get their act together. We're doomed.

In "This is catchy and weirdly inspirational."

Page design by Monty Python?

In "Dear Kind Sir, I am writing to you from Nigeria"

The victim was 89 years old. Those guys have must be completely heartless. He's still worth $5 million, but his heirs are pissed. Maybe I missed it, but does Bush have anything at all to do with this, or is that tag at the end just political graffiti?

In "Boing Boing to net-censors: Get bent!"

This is tangential to the thread but: I sent Corey Doctorow an email asking if he was paid to promote Disney or The IT Crowd, and he says he is not. I don't really see anything wrong with using your own site to promote your own products. I don't think Boing-Boing was ever intended to be a public service.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)